
  • “Jennifer has led some of the most impactful organizations and campaigns in our country over the last 20 years. I couldn't think of anyone better to be a coach and support other leaders in our movement. Not only does she have the experience, but she is a dope person inside and out. I've learned so much and been incredibly inspired by her over the years. Run, don't walk, to get some of her Black Girl Magic.”

    -Alexis Anderson-Reed, Chief Executive Officer, State Voices

  • “I found the material in Jen’s course helpful, but what really took it over the top for me was the incredible context and gaps she filled in beyond what was in the slides and materials. Every time a question was asked, Jen provided such incredible, responsive insights (which not only was so helpful, but also had a way of making the question asker feel seen and valued!) Jen is a remarkable teacher and I was truly inspired by her independent of the course material.”

    — Participant feedback on Management Training Facilitation

  • “Jen is fierce, strategic, thoughtful, compassionate, creative, and hilarious. I have cherished my time working with her, and I am so grateful for her leadership.”

    -Ady Barkan, Co-Executive Director at Be A Hero

  • “Jennifer is a representation of us - a powerful and compassionate strategist, facilitator and organizer who is deeply committed to transforming the lives of the people she works with. Whether she is at the rally or in the boardroom, her drive towards justice and equity is leading our communities towards justice and liberation.”

    – Carmen Berkley Vice President of Programs, Group Health Foundation

  • “Jen, this is one of the best trainings I’ve ever attended. Thank you for your instruction, examples, and facilitation. —- Participant feedback from training session

    Jenn is someone you want in your corner, shining her brilliance with generosity. Run, don't walk, to have her coach you.”

    - Besty Lin, Consultant & Former Chief of Staff of Senator Hirono of Hawaii

  • “We’re delighted to be working with Synergy Power Consulting to level up the work of Liberation in a Generation, and excited to have the expertise and experience of Jennifer's organizational leadership by our side.”

    - Solana Rice & Jeremie Greer, Co-Executive Directors, Liberation in a Generation.