~ power ~


Multi Stakeholder Project Management and Facilitation

I’ve spent the last two decades building relationships and managing campaigns and coalitions across the social justice landscape. Let me put my skills to use to advance your campaign or programmatic goals.


Campaign Strategy & Planning

I have spent the last twenty years helping to build organizations and campaigns powerful enough to change the world. I would be honored to support your team in developing stronger, more impactful campaigns and programs.

Lobbying, Public Policy, and Legislative Services

Let me apply my nearly twenty years of experience crafting people-centered public policy at local, state, and national levels to your campaign aspirations.

Interim Support

Sometimes between transitions, family expansions, healthcare emergencies, and/or rapid expansions, interim support is needed to help guide and hold the work until a more permanent solution can be identified. With two decades of experience across a wide array of movement work, I am poised to hit the ground running and add value to critical support on virtually any progressive issue and/or campaign.